🎙️ EPISODE 6 OF PODCAST IS LIVE - Legal Ethical Issues in Litigation Funding
Episode 6 of Slarskey's Hot Topics in Litigation Finance Podcast is now live. This episode focuses on legal ethical issues in litigation finance. Host Evan Fried speaks with Professor Tony Sebok, Co-Director at the Jacob Burns Center for Ethics in the Practice of Law at Cardozo Law School.
The conversation covers:
• the ethical responsibilities of attorneys in both client-directed and lawyer-directed legal funding
• Model Rule of Professional Conduct 5.4 and Alternative Business Structures (ABS) and their implications, including the impact of the first case dealing with a disciplinary issue related to an Arizona ABS and what the new rules mean for attorneys admitted to practice in New York
• predictions for what’s to come re: ethical issues in litigation funding
…and much more!
Click here to view the video recording on YouTube, and here to access the audio recording on Spotify.
Additional Resources
Click here to learn more about Aspen Publishing's Third-Party Litigation Finance: Law, Policy, and Practice, written by Professor Sebok.
Click here to learn more about Bloomsbury's The Law and Business of Litigation Finance, for which Evan Fried co-authored the chapter on U.S. legislation.
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